Thursday, January 21, 2010

Roller Coaster

I hate roller coasters, always have. In the past few weeks, I've found myself on an emotional roller coaster, not the first one I've been on, and admittedly not the worst one, either. Most likely because I have a support person in my life I haven't had there before and what a difference. His name is Paul. Just to clarify, he's not my first husband, who was named Paul, just happens his name is Paul too.

Most of the time
this roller coaster has been on the high side and it feels good. Very good in fact. Paul doesn't like roller coasters either, but we seem to be on a ride that neither of us wants to get off. So we smile and stay on, continually being surprised by the dips and turns.

Today, when I found myself feeling rather low, it was just a simple phone call and a hug over the phone from Paul and my day began to turn around. Oh I know - I've worked for a long time - years, really, to come to this place and I can't give Paul all of the credit. But I am so, so thankful to have him here in my life.

Eyes wide open, I'm staying on this ride.

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