Sunday, February 14, 2010


The early morning is so quiet and calm... that must be what I loved so much about it when the kids were small, as I would wake before them, sit with a cup of coffee and somehow attempt to absorb that calm before the day began in earnest. Those mornings helped me in more ways than I probably realize.

Here I sit today, this calm, quiet, beautiful winter morning, drinking my coffee in the peace all around me, praying for that peace to permeate me more fully. I notice the pink coffee mug I am drinking from, a gift from my sister Maryellen, and the words on it that read
cherish the journey... wow. My first thought was 'let the journey begin' when it struck me that I am on the journey, have always been. It doesn't wait for us, this journey, it is there for us to notice and decide how we are going to live it.

So how is my journey going, I begin thinking to myself. Well, as I look upon the unseen path beneath me, there are many indicators of the anxiety that is well, ever-present with every step. I don't like seeing that, and as I spend some time thinking about it, I am keenly aware of the journey, of life, going on whether I am anxious or not. I wonder just how do I
stop being anxious, and if it is really easy to simply relax, then why haven't I? Fear is something I know about, it's familiar. I know how to worry, I'm expert at it.

It is painful to acknowledge how much of this journey that is already behind me is veiled in angst. With all that concern, the anticipation of what might happen at any time, it is not very easy to live in the moment. The moments are not seen for what they are because I must be ever vigilant... this all may change in an instant, and I know that from my own vast experience. Valid as those experiences are, they are robbing me of the opportunity to do what my pink coffee mug is urging me to do.

As I taste the coffee, I can also taste the fear I feel just thinking of all this...


I have to let go. (well, I don't, but it's where my freedom lies)
I'm not in charge of anyone's actions but my own.
That journey is unknown.

I don't like the unknown.

I'm on it anyway, we all are.
(wait, this is just about me)
LIFE, truly living fully, awaits me.

The above sentence scares the crap out of me.

I want that LIFE.

I want to let go. Really.

I'm afraid to.

I am more afraid of not letting go.

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